
MBT Shoes & Sandals | Swiss Physiological Footwear
MBT Shoes & Sandals | Swiss Physiological Footwear

MBT Shoes & Sandals | Swiss Physiological Footwear

122 products

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Showing 241 - 122 of 122 products

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The Benefits of MBT Shoes and Sandals

Improved Posture with MBT Shoes

The unique curved sole of MBT shoes encourages a more natural, upright stance. As you walk, the slight instability created by the sole activates your core muscles, helping to align your spine and reduce slouching. Over time, this can lead to better posture both while walking and standing, potentially alleviating strain on your back and neck.

Increased Muscle Activation with MBT Shoes

MBT's innovative design turns every step into a mini workout. The Masai Sensor in the heel, and the multi-layered curved sole, create a constant state of subtle imbalance. Your body responds by engaging more muscles to maintain stability, particularly in your legs, core, and back. This increased muscle activation can lead to improved tone and strength over time, even during routine activities like walking to work or running errands.

Reduced Joint Stress with MBT Shoes

The rolling motion promoted by MBT's curved sole helps to distribute your body weight more evenly across your foot with each step. This can significantly reduce the impact on your joints, particularly your knees and hips. For those with joint issues or arthritis, this gentler way of walking can mean less pain and more comfortable mobility throughout the day.

MBT Shoes for Enhanced Balance and Proprioception

Wearing MBT shoes is like having a balance training tool attached to your feet. The continuous small adjustments your body makes while walking or standing in MBTs can improve your overall balance and proprioception (your body's ability to sense its position in space). This can be particularly beneficial for older adults or anyone looking to reduce their risk of falls.

Improved Circulation with MBT Shoes

The rocking motion of MBT shoes can help stimulate blood flow in your feet and legs. This improved circulation can be particularly beneficial if you spend a lot of time sitting or standing, potentially reducing swelling and fatigue in your lower limbs.

Versatility Across Activities

Whether you're walking, standing, or even doing light exercise, MBT shoes provide consistent benefits. This versatility means you can potentially improve your health and posture throughout various daily activities, not just during dedicated workout times.

At Legend Footwear, we're proud to offer a wide selection of MBT shoes. We believe in the brand's commitment to foot health and overall wellbeing. Remember, while MBT shoes can offer numerous benefits, they may take some getting used to. We recommend starting with short periods of wear and gradually increasing as you adapt to the unique feel of the curved sole. While you are here, check out our full collection of shoes, sandals & trainers to find the perfect pair for every occasion.